Monday, March 8, 2010

March Madness

I cannot believe how quickly this winter has flow past me. I've had every intention to update my blog at least once a month if not sooner, but somehow I just never manage to do it. My hand is being forced today as I have a Master Mind meeting tonight and last month this was the assignment I gave to myself.

Twice a year when I feel a major push to do something big. Spring and Fall. In the Spring I always feel like starting a new business. In the Fall I want to update my office supplies and head back to school. It's been 33 years since I last was in school and I find it interesting that I still have that urgency.

With Spring right around the corner my mind is drawn into building my business. I find myself updating my calendar more frequently. My mind becomes creative with classes I might develop and then teach. I begin to wonder what other venue's are out there for what I do. It's a rebirth time for me. Fall used to be my favorite time, but Spring has taken over that spot.

I challenge you to stand up and shake yourself off. Take notice of the areas in your life where you have become stagnet. Think about what you can do to stretch yourself. How can you grow? Right now would be an excellent time to use one of those notebooks that you perhaps purchased last fall while reminiscing about your school days, and make a list of things you'd like to accomplish in the next 6 months. Then turn the page and make a plan for actually accomplishing those things. Even if you just do one thing a week toward your goal, you will be further along than if you just continued to sit on your couch and watch TV.

Until next time,

Monday, November 23, 2009


November is nearly gone. That happened fast. I have had the busiest and most interesting fall. It's been fun and frantic.

My fall plans were to teach one Law of Attraction class, one Law of Attraction II class and one Psychic Development class, along with as many readings and healings as I could squeeze in. Since I'm still working a full-time job, that was going to be plenty. As those classes came to an end I had so many requests for more classes that I decided not to take the six week break I had planned to take. Instead I taught a weekend version of the Law of Attraction that was incredibly fun and a Psychic Development class.

I'm so glad that I decided to teach these two classes. What I have discovered is that I love teaching. It fulfills a need in me that I didn't realize was there. I still have 3 more weeks of Psychic Development and I'm truly looking forward to seeing what fun things these 6 women will learn about themselves.

Without a doubt, my favorite, my absolutely favorite thing to do is readings. Sitting across from someone that I have never met, someone that I know nothing about, and be able to connect them with loved ones who have passed to the other side is something so gratifying to me that I truly don't have the words to describe it. I am blessed beyond words and I want you to know that I am thankful for my gifts every moment of every day of my life.

These are some of the things that I'm thankful for this year. What are you thankful for?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall is Here

October 1. How did that happen so fast? I can't believe how September just disappeared from sight for me. I'm sitting in my healing room, which is on the second floor of my home. My desk faces the window and I'm looking out over the tops of the other homes in my neighborhood. The trees are beginning to turn color. There is one at the end of my the cul de sac that is a beautiful red and orange color. It's surrounded by trees that haven't begun to change yet so it stands out.

I know how it feels and I bet a lot of you do too. To stand out from others. I used to hate that feeling. I wanted to belong. I wanted to be just like everyone else. I wanted to dress like everyone else and wear the same hair style and have the same makeup. All of my accessories needed to be the same as everyone else. Then I discovered the freedom of being an individual. Of standing out.

I have no idea at what point in my life I came to this realization. It just occurred to me one day that people were commenting on how different I was - and the comments were compliments. And I liked how that felt. When I made the conscious decision to no longer keep my spiritual gifts a secret from the rest of the world I took a huge step forward into that world of standing out. I worried that people would no longer want to associate with me. That they would judge me. Look at me funny. Say uncomplimentary things about me behind my back. The funny thing was - the opposite of that happened.

Okay, some people reacted like that. However, nearly everyone, once they got over their shock, embraced the new me. The day someone said to me, "It's so cool to be you" I knew my fears had been for nothing. I am thrilled that I have now "come out" of the psychic closet and no longer keep my true self a secret from the rest of the world. I'd challenge you to think about yourself and see if there isn't something you've been hiding away that the rest of the world would love to help you embrace. It's a wonderful feeling.

Have a great week.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall Classes have begun

Greetings -

I love this time of year. I always feel reborn. I feel energized. I feel like buying knee socks and a trapper keeper for my stuff. The first day of school is exciting.

Last Friday night was the first day of school for our fall sessions. We had a Law of Attraction class on Friday night and then another one on Saturday morning. They both went great and were filled with interesting people wanting to open their minds to something brand new in their lives. The left my home with that slightly glazed look in their eyes and lots to think about.

Tonight we had our very first Law of Attraction II class. This is for the graduates of the first class. It was better than I ever thought it would be. Our topic for discussion was relationships. How our friends, family, loved ones, co-workers all affect our lives. What we do to let them in and what we need to do to keep them out. It was a high spirited conversation as we all have sisters and husbands (well some husbands) and children and friends that affect our lives in good and bad ways. I'm already looking forward to next weeks class.

This morning on my facebook account I posted Happy Monday. The responses I received regarding that were interesting. I'm never sure why people hate Monday's. I see it as a weekly rebirth. I get to see all the people from work that I love who I didn't see over the weekend. I have lively exchanges and interesting banter with people. I get up and get my body moving and appreciate all of that. I wake up and know that I'm alive and I have something worthwhile to share with the rest of the world. I also go to bed at a decent time on Sunday night so that I have the energy to put toward my Monday morning. Perhaps that makes all the difference.

Have a great week. I'll post again soon.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Hello -

The summer is past, although fall is a technically a few weeks away. This is my favorite season. It could be fall all year long and I'd be very happy.

My summer was a whirlwind. My first Law of Attraction class was a huge success which has sparked a Law of Attraction II class by popular demand. It also sparked a Psychic Development class, as one of the women realized there was more to her than meets the eye and asked me to help her develop her skills. We've been having fun with that.

In August I took a road trip. I drove myself to Colorado to visit the little bit of family I still have left there. The drive out was wonderful. I stopped at the Eisenhower Presidential Library on my way there. It is gorgeous. I spent a lovely hour walking around, enjoying the lovely day and soaking in the tribute to this President. I recommend it to anyone driving across Kansas on I-70. The day after I got to Colorado I became ill. I'm assuming altitude sickness. I basically had migraine symptoms the rest of the time I was there. It was miserable. No fear of my gaining weight on that vacation. The drive home was the worst. I was still ill on the first day out. The second day was better, but still miserable as I hadn't slept well and my body was exhausted from being ill. What should have been 7-8 hour driving days became 12-13 hour ones. I'm pretty sure I've napped in every rest-stop between here and there.

I've been home for 3 weeks and am gearing up for fall classes. What began as one class has spun off into 4 classes. 2 Law of Attraction, 1 Law of Attraction II and a Psychic Development class. That along with private readings and healing's and I'm going to have a very busy fall. Exciting though. I love every aspect of what I do.

This weekend I have been preparing my home, as I know for the next 6 weeks I won't have time to think. I painted my new healing/reading room on Saturday. Yesterday I was invited to a baptism and a wedding reception so no work was done. Just partying. Today I will clean my house, mow my lawn, put the reading/healing room back in order, do my laundry and then collapse. I hope to be done with all of that before 6pm so that I can relax this evening as work calls me at 8am tomorrow.

I hope you have all had a lovely holiday weekend and gotten to do exactly what you wanted to do. I will be writing more frequently now that summer is over.

Check out my new website at

Till next time,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Late July

I cannot believe it's been over a month since I last posted. It's been a wonderful, exciting month.

My Law of Attraction class has been so much fun. I knew it would be a great time, but I had no idea just how wonderful. The people in this class have just been sponges. I'm honored to have them in my class and now in my life.

The amount of psychic readings I'm doing has multiplied so fast some weeks I don't get even one day off. I believe that part of it is the uncertainty of our time. When I was first doing readings, the most common question was, "who is my soulmate." Now I'm always asked, "will I continue to have a job." This too shall pass and before we know it, people will be back to searching for their soulmates.

I will be taking an unexpected vacation. I've discovered that my beloved Uncle Larry is not going to live much longer, so I'm making a trip to La Junta, Colo to see him along with my other living relatives. I'm looking forward to the solitude of the drive as well as the reconnection.

Till next time. Be happy all day every day.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ladies Night Out

Last night I participated in a great time. It was a fund raiser for The United Way. It was a Ladies Night Out event in Big Lake, MN. I was there to do psychic readings for people.....I did a lot of them.

This was my first time doing an event such as this. I'd done several single readings right after the other, but nothing like last night. I was a bit worried that I'd have difficulty giving readings like that.

My first reading started at 6pm on the dot. They were 10 minutes long with 5 minutes between them. I did my last reading just before 10pm. Every slot was filled on my dance card. Wow.

I didn't need to worry though - the spirits just flowed through me. I had so many parents show up to greet their children and in some cases, to give some major messages. There were lots of smiles and lots of tears and some aha moments.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Of all the things I do in my life - this is the most rewarding.