Monday, November 23, 2009


November is nearly gone. That happened fast. I have had the busiest and most interesting fall. It's been fun and frantic.

My fall plans were to teach one Law of Attraction class, one Law of Attraction II class and one Psychic Development class, along with as many readings and healings as I could squeeze in. Since I'm still working a full-time job, that was going to be plenty. As those classes came to an end I had so many requests for more classes that I decided not to take the six week break I had planned to take. Instead I taught a weekend version of the Law of Attraction that was incredibly fun and a Psychic Development class.

I'm so glad that I decided to teach these two classes. What I have discovered is that I love teaching. It fulfills a need in me that I didn't realize was there. I still have 3 more weeks of Psychic Development and I'm truly looking forward to seeing what fun things these 6 women will learn about themselves.

Without a doubt, my favorite, my absolutely favorite thing to do is readings. Sitting across from someone that I have never met, someone that I know nothing about, and be able to connect them with loved ones who have passed to the other side is something so gratifying to me that I truly don't have the words to describe it. I am blessed beyond words and I want you to know that I am thankful for my gifts every moment of every day of my life.

These are some of the things that I'm thankful for this year. What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. You have had a rocking fall! Wow!

    I am so thankful for your friendship, my family, my writing....actually, my life overall. I love being me. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!
