Hello -
The summer is past, although fall is a technically a few weeks away. This is my favorite season. It could be fall all year long and I'd be very happy.
My summer was a whirlwind. My first Law of Attraction class was a huge success which has sparked a Law of Attraction II class by popular demand. It also sparked a Psychic Development class, as one of the women realized there was more to her than meets the eye and asked me to help her develop her skills. We've been having fun with that.
In August I took a road trip. I drove myself to Colorado to visit the little bit of family I still have left there. The drive out was wonderful. I stopped at the Eisenhower Presidential Library on my way there. It is gorgeous. I spent a lovely hour walking around, enjoying the lovely day and soaking in the tribute to this President. I recommend it to anyone driving across Kansas on I-70. The day after I got to Colorado I became ill. I'm assuming altitude sickness. I basically had migraine symptoms the rest of the time I was there. It was miserable. No fear of my gaining weight on that vacation. The drive home was the worst. I was still ill on the first day out. The second day was better, but still miserable as I hadn't slept well and my body was exhausted from being ill. What should have been 7-8 hour driving days became 12-13 hour ones. I'm pretty sure I've napped in every rest-stop between here and there.
I've been home for 3 weeks and am gearing up for fall classes. What began as one class has spun off into 4 classes. 2 Law of Attraction, 1 Law of Attraction II and a Psychic Development class. That along with private readings and healing's and I'm going to have a very busy fall. Exciting though. I love every aspect of what I do.
This weekend I have been preparing my home, as I know for the next 6 weeks I won't have time to think. I painted my new healing/reading room on Saturday. Yesterday I was invited to a baptism and a wedding reception so no work was done. Just partying. Today I will clean my house, mow my lawn, put the reading/healing room back in order, do my laundry and then collapse. I hope to be done with all of that before 6pm so that I can relax this evening as work calls me at 8am tomorrow.
I hope you have all had a lovely holiday weekend and gotten to do exactly what you wanted to do. I will be writing more frequently now that summer is over.
Check out my new website at robinallen.net
Till next time,
Stolen Kiss with the Hollywood Starlet
5 years ago
Wow! You have had a busy summer! Congrats on all your success, adventures and painting!