Greetings -
I love this time of year. I always feel reborn. I feel energized. I feel like buying knee socks and a trapper keeper for my stuff. The first day of school is exciting.
Last Friday night was the first day of school for our fall sessions. We had a Law of Attraction class on Friday night and then another one on Saturday morning. They both went great and were filled with interesting people wanting to open their minds to something brand new in their lives. The left my home with that slightly glazed look in their eyes and lots to think about.
Tonight we had our very first Law of Attraction II class. This is for the graduates of the first class. It was better than I ever thought it would be. Our topic for discussion was relationships. How our friends, family, loved ones, co-workers all affect our lives. What we do to let them in and what we need to do to keep them out. It was a high spirited conversation as we all have sisters and husbands (well some husbands) and children and friends that affect our lives in good and bad ways. I'm already looking forward to next weeks class.
This morning on my facebook account I posted Happy Monday. The responses I received regarding that were interesting. I'm never sure why people hate Monday's. I see it as a weekly rebirth. I get to see all the people from work that I love who I didn't see over the weekend. I have lively exchanges and interesting banter with people. I get up and get my body moving and appreciate all of that. I wake up and know that I'm alive and I have something worthwhile to share with the rest of the world. I also go to bed at a decent time on Sunday night so that I have the energy to put toward my Monday morning. Perhaps that makes all the difference.
Have a great week. I'll post again soon.
Stolen Kiss with the Hollywood Starlet
5 years ago