Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall is Here

October 1. How did that happen so fast? I can't believe how September just disappeared from sight for me. I'm sitting in my healing room, which is on the second floor of my home. My desk faces the window and I'm looking out over the tops of the other homes in my neighborhood. The trees are beginning to turn color. There is one at the end of my the cul de sac that is a beautiful red and orange color. It's surrounded by trees that haven't begun to change yet so it stands out.

I know how it feels and I bet a lot of you do too. To stand out from others. I used to hate that feeling. I wanted to belong. I wanted to be just like everyone else. I wanted to dress like everyone else and wear the same hair style and have the same makeup. All of my accessories needed to be the same as everyone else. Then I discovered the freedom of being an individual. Of standing out.

I have no idea at what point in my life I came to this realization. It just occurred to me one day that people were commenting on how different I was - and the comments were compliments. And I liked how that felt. When I made the conscious decision to no longer keep my spiritual gifts a secret from the rest of the world I took a huge step forward into that world of standing out. I worried that people would no longer want to associate with me. That they would judge me. Look at me funny. Say uncomplimentary things about me behind my back. The funny thing was - the opposite of that happened.

Okay, some people reacted like that. However, nearly everyone, once they got over their shock, embraced the new me. The day someone said to me, "It's so cool to be you" I knew my fears had been for nothing. I am thrilled that I have now "come out" of the psychic closet and no longer keep my true self a secret from the rest of the world. I'd challenge you to think about yourself and see if there isn't something you've been hiding away that the rest of the world would love to help you embrace. It's a wonderful feeling.

Have a great week.